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Ajanta's Blog

Ajanta Judd
Jan 19, 20241 min read
I am only satisfied when it burns cold
When the brittle edge of the chill
Kisses heat’s searing mouth
To the west, to the east, the north an
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Ajanta Judd
Nov 6, 20232 min read
If, in love’s bitter afterglow you were to spread a sea of jewels at my feet and once more spray me with emphatic words of love and...
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Ajanta Judd
Aug 10, 20231 min read
Are you brave enough?
How many colours has my soul? Which one is the strongest? Which one is the weakest? Which one is the wicked? Which one has the power to...
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Ajanta Judd
Jul 8, 20231 min read
{Not that Pedestal}
From a 2020, 24 hour Poetry Marathon that I participated in. I wrote one poem each hour for 24 hours straight. The prompt for 'Not that...
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Ajanta Judd
Jul 8, 20231 min read
From a 2020, 24 hour Poetry Marathon that I participated in. I wrote one poem each hour for 24 hours straight. There was no prompt for...
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Ajanta Judd
Jul 8, 20231 min read
{To play with metaphysics}
From a 2020, 24 hour Poetry Marathon that I participated in. I wrote one poem each hour for 24 hours straight. The prompt for my poem,...
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Ajanta Judd
Jul 7, 20232 min read
From a 2020, 24 hour Poetry Marathon that I participated in. I wrote one poem each hour for 24 hours straight. This was the prompt for my...
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Ajanta Judd
Jul 5, 20231 min read
{Eternity's End}
From a 2020, 24 hour Poetry Marathon. I wrote one poem each hour for 24 hours straight. Theme: 'Even when you are lost, the land knows you'.
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Ajanta Judd
Feb 12, 20231 min read
{The Cape}
Scrunching through coarse sand on a morning dense with fog, there is no separation between ocean and sky. Thick dank air mixes with salt...
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Ajanta Judd
Feb 7, 20232 min read
If, in love’s bitter afterglow you were to spread a sea of jewels at my feet and once more spray me with emphatic words of love and...
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