If, in love’s bitter afterglow you were to spread a sea of jewels at my feet and once more spray me with emphatic words of love and devotion
Would I succumb to your wanton ways?
Those doe innocent eyes appealing, that elusive chameleon sweetness softly beckoning me to rise like Venus from the receding waves of torment
No hint of remorse to quell my pain
On your capricious ocean, my brittle shell boat rides the peak of foam without substance, reeling from the maelstrom of your dark peaks and troughs
That transparent mask you wear
Hurt sluicing through tender veins, battle weary and bruised to the soul, I long for respite
in that shared buoyant womb, momentarily nurtured in a deceptive safe have
The cruel temptress of my fate
I am flotsam on the ebbing tide swirling back toward the deep swell of your ocean
lured by the charm of glistening moist pools and the promise of fine weather
Duping sensibility, you seduce
Toward the allure of bliss I swim, where once again I will float in the serenity of your harbour, gullible and self satisfying I foolishly trust the transient calm of your seas
Ensnaring me in treachery
Tranquillity masks the rumble of distant thunder where storm clouds frequent the horizon and waves gather ready to wreak havoc at a moments notice dumping me in their wake
Destabilising my existence
Rising to meet the challenge of your dilettante guises, I have been at my peril, unanchored and adrift in a vast unconscious ocean – deep and unplundered
You will no longer tempt me
Adversity implores the netting of wisdom, the high seas challenge an intrepid explorer where once drowning, now embracing the mainstay and sailing for the solitary horizon
I am Aphrodite, I have risen to myself
© Ajanta Judd orginal words and image. All Rights Reserved.
Not to be used or shared without permission or citation of author.